At what age can children start nursery school?
Children from the age of 2 and a half can be enrolled in the Toute Petite Section. They must be clean
Is there a scholarship system?
The French government has set up a system of scholarships for its nationals.
The AEFE can inform you about the awarding of scholarships.
The school management and the French consulate can provide you with further information
Can enrolment take place at any time during the school year?
Pupils are admitted throughout the year subject to availability.
Is there a discount for large families?
A reduction of 5% is applied for the second child, 10% for the third child and 20% from the fourth child.
Can I enrol my children even if they don't speak French?
Yes, it is quite possible. A reception system is in place for non-French-speaking pupils.
Do prices vary according to school level?
Annual fees depend on the child’s age:
Tuition fees can be paid in Dollars or Euros